martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

- The London School II :D

¢A Firthian phonologycal analysis recognizes a number of ‘systems’ of prosodies operating at various points in structure which determine the pronunciation of a given form in interaction with segment-sized phonematic units.
¢The terminological distinction between ‘prosodies’ and ‘phonematic units’ could as well be thought of as ‘prosodies’ that happen to be only one segment long.
¢In Firthian terms the syllable plays an essential role as the domain of a large number of prosodies.
¢Like the polysystemic principle, prosodic analysis is a good dissolvent of pseudoquestions, in this case questions about the direction of dependencies which are in fact mutual.
¢The concept of the prosodic unit in phonology seems, so attractive and natural that it is surprising to find that it is not more widespread. In fact just one American Descriptivists, Zellig Harris, did use a similar notion; but Harris’s ‘long components’ though similar to Firth’s prosodies, are distinct and theoretically less attractive.
¢It is a characteristic of the Firthian approach to be much more concerned with the ‘systems’ of choices between alternatives which occur in a language than with the details of how particular alternatives are realized.
Thus Henderson makes a formal statement of the possible combinations of her Vietnamese prosodies, but she discusses the phonetic realization of the prosodies informally, tacitly suggesting that aspect of her exposition is not part of the analysis proper. 
Nowhere in Chomsky and Halle’s Sound pattern of English will one find a statement of the pattern of possible phonological shapes of English syllables or words.
¢Firth insisted that sound and meaning in language were more directly related that they are ussually taken to be.
¢For Firth, a phonology was a structure of system of choices were systems of meaning.
¢Firth meant that each individual choice point in grammar had its own individual semantic correlates, and this just cannot be taken seriously.
¢Linguistics of the London School have done much  more work on the analysis of intonation that have Americans of any camp and the Brithis work.
¢To understand Firth’s notion of meaning, we muste exmine the linguistic ideas of his colleague Bronislaw Malinowski, professor of Anthropology at the London School.

¢The most important aspect of Malinowski´s theorizing, as distinct for his purely ethnographic work, concerned the functioning of language.
¢For Malinowski, to think of language as a ‘means of transfusing ideas from the head of the speaker to that of the listener’ was a myth: to speak, particulary in a primitive culture, is not to tell but to do.

¢Word are tools, and the ‘meaning’ of a tool is its use.
¢Firth accepted Malinowski’s viwe of language. Firth uses the word ‘meaning’, wich occurs frequently in his writings, in rather bizarre ways.

¢Firthian phonology, it is primarily concerned with the nature and import of the various choices which one makes in deciding to utter one particular sentence out of the infinitely numerous sentencesthat one’s language makes available.

¢To make this clearer, we may contrast the systemic approach with Chomsky´s approach to grammar. A Chomskyan grammar defines the class of well-formed senteces in a language by providing a set of rules for rewriting symbols as other symbols.

- The London School :D

Linguistic description evolves a standard language since eleventh century.
¢In the sixteenth century the practical linguistic was flourished in England.
Practical Linguistic
¢Orthoepy- it is the codification and teaching the correct pronunciation.
¢Lexicography- it is the invention of shorthand systems, spelling reform, and the creation of artificial ‘philosophical languages.’
¢They induce in their practitioners a considerable degree of sophistication about matters linguistics.

¢Henry Sweet based his historical studies on a detailed understanding of the working of the vocal organs. He was concerned with the systematizing phonetic transcription in connection with problems of language-teaching and of spelling reform-.

¢Sweet was among the early advocates of the notion of the phoneme, which was a matter of practical importance as the unit which should be symbolized in an ideal system of orthography.   

¢Daniel Jones stressed the importance for language study of through training in the practical skills of perceiving, transcribing, and reproducing minute distinctions of speech- sound.
¢He invented the system of cardinal reference-points which made precise and consistent transcription possible in the case of vowels. 

¢J.R. Firth turned linguistics proper into a recognized, distinct academic subject.
¢Firth said that the phonology of a language consist of a number of system of alternative possibilities which come into play at different points in phonological unit such a syllable, and there is no reason to identify the alternants in one system with those in another.

¢A phonemic transcription, represent a fully consistent application of the particular principles of orthography on which European alphabetic scripts happen to be more or less accurately based.
Firth´s theory allows for an unlimited variety of systems, the more distinct systems a given description recognizes the more complex that description will be.
Languages do not display too great a variety of phonological ‘systems’: thus we do not on the whole find languages with quite different kinds and numbers of consonants before each distintic vowel.
¢Trubetzkoy assumes that the range of sounds found in the special neutralizing environment will be related in a regular way to the range found in other environments.

- Actividad :D

- Semantics and Pragmatics :)

Semantics, particulary the area of lexical semantics, has been important to applied linguistics. Research in second-language acquisition and lexicography have both used lexical semantics as a resource for research on how words may be related, and on how they differ in various ways. The same concerns become important issues in vocabulary development as well, in both the teaching of language arts and the teaching of second languages.

Pregmatics, a historical development out of semantics, has had a much greater impact on applied linguistics, primarily because the issues raised and the theories developed directly inform discourse analysis.

- Now is time for MORPHOLOGY :)

Linguistic research on morphology and on the organization of the lexicon has not initiated any great changes in practical research over the last twenty years. Applied-linguistics research on lexicography, terminology development, second-language acquisition, and language teaching is still employing descriptive approaches that have been in use for some time. This state of affairs is not nevessarily a problem, since straigtforeard descriptive terminology is best understood across disciplines and is most transparent for application.

- Now is time for MORPHOLOGY :)

Linguistic research on morphology and on the organization of the lexicon has not initiated any great changes in practical research over the last twenty years. Applied-linguistics research on lexicography, terminology development, second-language acquisition, and language teaching is still employing descriptive approaches that have been in use for some time. This state of affairs is not nevessarily a problem, since straigtforeard descriptive terminology is best understood across disciplines and is most transparent for application.

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

- Phonology . . .

- Now a chart where yo can see all the sounds in English! Interesting, isn't it? :D

Phonetics and Phonology have undergone a number of changes over the last 25 years, and phonology in particular has been subject to major theoretical revisions. Despite these changes, it is the more traditional articulatory phonetics ans phonology that still makethe greatest contribution to applied linguistics. Transcription of speech is a major unertaking for oral-discourse analysis of language in th profesions, as well as among speech therapists and in certain educational research,

- Learning about phonetics :D

 Here yo see a draw were yo can learn each part of our mouth, throat and more!! It is very important to know this kind of things, they are little but they woul help you in a future!!!! :D . . . Enjoy it :)

- Generative Linguistics :)

Chomsky´s theories represented, and still represent, both a strong break with American structural linguistics and, at the same time, basic continuity with ideas traceable back to de Saussure and beyond. The major changes introduced by Chomsky's theories were:

1. To challenge basic discovery procedure for linguistic research deriving from behavioral assumptions;

2. To reject the belief that language acquisition is habit formation;

3. To include intuitions and semanticc information as admissible linguistic data;

4. To center linguistic research on syntax;

5. To reject an item_arrangement approach in favir of an item-process aproach;

6. To devise a set of criteria for evaluating competing grammars; and

7. To propose as the goal of linguistic research the search

- Talking about Chomsky!!

Mid-to late-20th century: generative linguistics and the search for universals

In 1957, linguistics took a new turning. Noam Chomsky, then aged tweny-nine, a teacher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published a book called Syntactic Structures.
Chomsky is the most influential linguistic of the century.

A grammar he claimed, should be more than a description of old utterances. Creativity, as he said, is the ability of guman beings to produce an comprehend and indefinite number of novel utterances. Chomsky points out that anyone who knows a language must have internalized a set of rules which specify the sequences permitted in their language.

A grammar which consist of a set of statements or rules which specify which sequences of a language are possible, and which impossible, is a generative grammar. The particular type of generative grammar favoured by Chomsky is a so-called transformational one.

He also redirected attention towards language universals. He points out that as all human are rather similar, their internalized language mechanisms are likely to have important common properties. He argues that linguistics should concentrate on finding elements and constructions that are available to all languages, whether or not they actually occur.

- Mindmap :)

Now in spanish too. Take a look and you'll discover how interesting language is :D

The study of Language

Here I leave a few concepts about the teorical linguistics' history :D

Nineeteenth century:
historical linguistics

Before the 19th century, language in the western world was of interest mainly to philosophers. It is significant that the Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle mademajor contributions to the study of languange. Plato, for example, is said to have been the first person to distinguish between nouns and verbs.

1786 is the year which many people regard as the birthdate of linguistics.
On the 27th of September, 1786, an Englishman, Sir William Jones, read a paper to the Royal Asiatic Society in Calcuta pointing out that Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Celtic and Germanic all had strinking structural similarities. For the next hundred years, all other linguistics work was eclipsed by the general preoccupation with writing comparative grammars, grammars which first compared the different linguistic forms found in the various members  of  the Indo-European language family, and second, attempted to set up a hypothetical ancestor, Proto- Indian from whi h all these languages were descended.

Early-to mid- 20th century: descriptive linguistics
In the 20th century, the emphasis shiffted from language change to language description. Instead of looking at how a selection of items changed in a number different languages, linguistics began to concentrated on describing single languages at one particular point in time.
If  any one person can be held responsible for this change of emphasis, it was the Swiss scholar Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), who is sometimes labelled 'the father of modern linguistics' .

As noted earlier, it was de Saussure who first suggested that language was like a game of chess, a system in which each item is defined by its relationship to all the others.
The term 'structural linguistics' in this broad sense merely means the recognition that language is a patterned system composed of the interdependent elements, rather than a collection of unconnected indivudial terms.